

All starts in our fields, where our juiciest and high-quality limes are grown and harvested in the largest lime producing and exporting country, Mexico.

Our goal is to grow high quality Persian limes and give the best experience and satisfaction to our consumers/customers. That is the reason why we are always dedicated to establish locations that provide great productivity.

Our process

Everything starts in our fields, where our plants are taken care by our experienced agricultural workers to grow high-quality Persian limes.


To guarantee the safety of produce, we have the certification Global GAP and Primus GFS.


After the harvest, the produce is transported to our packing house to get ready to go.



Use lime juice after washing your hair, this will make an excellent clarifying hair rinse.


Spray some lime juice to vegetables and fruits to prevent its oxidation.


Drink daily a glass of lime water to reduce the developing of respiratory diseases.


Dip your nails into lime juice for 10 minutes, this will help whiten and clean them deeper.


Wash with some lime juice clothes, fabric or metals to remove ink spots, mold and rust.


Drink a glass of lime water to stimulate your immune syatem and to prevent infectious diseases.


Spray some scent or lime juice to the places you don´t want your dog to reach out, this will keep him away. Most dogs hate the smell of limes.


Put some lime juice to wounds to help heal.


Squeeze lime into your favourite salsa to mild it.


If you have curly hair, spray some lime juice when brushing itto have more defined curls.

Did you know?

Lime trees are originally from the south part of China where they are consider a symbol of happiness.

Did you know?

Lime trees grow 3 to 6 meters and they are not abudant cover of leaves.

Did you know?

A medium lime of 60 grams approx have 15 calories.

Did you know?

Limes contain vitamin C and antioxidants this can can help improve the appearance of aging skin.

Did you know?

In 1493 Christopher Columbus was the one who took lime tree seeds to America to plant them and this is how this fruit arrived on that continent.

Did you know?

Citric acid helps prevent and dissolve gallbladder stones and kidney stones.

Did you know?

Limes have potassium which helps our brain and nervous system.

Did you know?

Mexico is the main lime producer country and the United States consumes 60% of the limes produced in Mexican territory.

Did you know?

Limes are part of the first place fruits consider as curative, preventive and vitamin-containing fruits, due to that works as an antioxidant and disinfector.

Did you know?

According to USDA “the state of Veracruz is the main Persian lime producer in Mexico, where it is produced year-round.”